The “You can choose” Music Video has reached California!

Here is an email received by Alaina at the Bissell Centre regarding the You Can Choose video EFAN funded in the spring of 2012

So excited to FLASHMOB to this song  September 7, 2012! 

Subject: FASD Music Video by the Bissell Centre

Dear Alaina,

My name is Martha*, and I am a Maternal and Child Health Advocate working for First 5 Mendocino and Mendocino County Health & Human Services Agency. Currently, the primary focus for one of my projects is FASD prevention, education and awareness. So, as you can guess, I couldn’t be more happy to have come across the FASD Music Video and the FASD blog created by the Bissell Centre!!

Ever since I discovered your program two months ago, I have started talking about your outreach products, especially your music video on YouTube, to various prenatal care providers, social service workers and public health policymakers in Mendocino County. Overwhelmingly, all of them have expressed great praise for it. In fact, they have advised that I start to formally incorporate both the FASD music video and the FASD blog produced by the Bissell Centre into my outreach campaign in Mendocino County, California. Someone even suggested presenting the music video as a preview commercial at the movie theaters here!!

Thus, I would greatly appreciate the opportunity to connect with you and find ways in which First 5 Mendocino and Bissell Centre Fetal Alcohol Spectrum of Services can collaborate to help deepen and magnify our outreach efforts around FASD Education, Awareness and Prevention.

Thank you, and I greatly look forward to hearing from you!


*Name has been changed to protect the writer’s privacy.

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