6 Ways to Focus on Change from the Inside Out

Children are incredibly intuitive: they know the difference between your saying something and your living it.  The lessons that really stick with them comes from your behavior.  As writer James Baldwin put it, “Children have never been very good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them.”

You must be asking how can one achieve this?  Here is an exercise that can help you!

Be the changeSelf-Reflection Exercise

Make a list of three things you would like to change in your children.

Now make a list of three things that you would like to change in yourself as a parent.

And now make a commitment to work on changing the things on your list as a parent.  Make this your priority.  Three weeks from now, go back to the list you made about your children and see if anything has changed.  You may find the results surprising! The explanation lies in the spiritual principle that we can’t change anyone else: the only way to affect others is to change yourself. After all, if I want my kids to stop screaming at each other I can’t keep screaming at them to stop.  I can’t expect my kids to have healthy self-esteem if I’m struggling with that issue myself.  Nor can I expect my child to value the truth if he/she hears me on the phone lying about why I can’t make it to work today.

I believe that as you begin to be the change you want to see in your children, you’ll see for yourself just how effective this spiritual principle can be.

For more infor please visit:  http://www.spiritualityforkids.com/being-change-you-want-see-your-children

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