#72 Meet Briar – Real People Real Lives. #FASD

Meet Briar

MEET BRIAR – Briar is a vibrant 10 year old girl who makes friends wherever she goes. Known by many as “Miss Aloha,” she creates sunshine and happiness in the lives of all of those she touches. She is a helpful and joyful socialite, and she loves working with the younger children at her church. Briar always strives to make a difference and lift anyone up who may be struggling. Briar loves to dance, listen to music, create art, sew and swim! She is currently awaiting and extremely excited for the arrival of her service dog who will be joining our family in December!

MY STORY – After years of praying for another child, Briar’s angel found us and brought her to our family. We were in the room when Briar was born and immediately fell in love. Briar was diagnosed with an FASD at 13 months old. She endured three eye surgeries by the time she was 2 years old and began walking at 22 months. Briar continues to struggle with severe developmental delays. Briar needs help navigating the world around her and finds it difficult to self regulate and control her emotions.

STRENGTHS – Briar loves life and everyone she meets. She wakes up happy and her laugh is infectious! Briar is a hard worker who is willing to forge ahead when the going gets tough. She does not give up! Briar is compassionate to those around her and leaves a little sparkle wherever she goes.

STRUGGLES – Briar is currently working on mastering beginning sight words and basic math. She struggles with impulse control and attending to one activity for more than 10 minutes.

MY WISH – “I love my brother and my sisters. They are funny and awesome! I wish everyone could have a happy family, like mine!”

Source:  http://realpeople.realmindz.com/fasd/72-briar/

Disclaimer:  The views and opinions in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of Edmonton and Area Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Network.


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