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SIDS Precautions for New Moms

SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) is a horrible thing.  I think it is something all parents have had to come to terms with.  The reality of parenthood is that you truly can’t control ALL things, but science has made a few things you can control with your newborn to give you SOME peace of mind (although you can easily follow every precaution and it just happens – my heart goes out to every single family affected by SIDS).

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SIDS seems to be without cause at this point.  It seems to be a hot button topic on facebook lately (at least in my feed).  It’s when a baby dies without any apparent medical cause.  Here are 6 things you can do in your own home that studies have shown seem to help.

1.  Back to sleep.  They will beat this into you in the hospital.  Most of ourmoms laid us on our bellies when we were babies.  It sort of makes sense, if you spit-up it just comes out on the sheet instead of making the baby gag.  However, science has now proven that putting the baby on their back to sleep is the safest way.  SIDS deaths have totally fallen since this initiative.

2. Use a fan.  Kaiser Permanente was relentless on their SIDS precautions when I had Princess P.  I thought this one was interesting.  I know some of the major theories involve the baby unable to move their air very far when they breathe out (hence, they just keep breathing in and out the same air, slowly taking all the oxygen) and the fan will help circulate the air more.

3.  Use a pacifier.  I haven’t really figured this one out, but studies show it is true.

4.  Don’t fall asleep with the baby in your bed.  I’ve seen a lot of things on Facebook about co-sleeping is great.  The reality is, that your baby isn’t much bigger than a stuffed animal and you are going to be TIRED.  I’ve seen parents who have suffocated their own baby.  You will never get over it.  You’ll just have to decide what works for you.

5.  Have the baby sleep in your room.  There are awesome ways likebassinets or co sleepers that allow the baby to sleep very close to you without the dangers.  This will promote breastfeeding and bonding.  For me, it didn’t work.  I counted respirations on the baby and I couldn’t sleep with the thought of SIDS looming in my head (and it looms hard).  I ultimately had to let it go and put them in their own room.  Again, you have to decide what works for you.  I also was unable to breastfeed, so I had to get up to get a bottle anyway.

6.  No bumpers, pillows, or stuffed animals in the crib.  I know, your baby doesn’t move — surely it’s fine to have a pile of adorable stuffed animals at the bottom of the crib, but it’s just now.  Babies don’t need a pillow.  Save them for their big kid bed.

Disclaimer:  The views and opinions in this article are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of Edmonton and Area Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Network.

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