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Volunteers needed for intervention study!

We are doing a research study on a self-regulation intervention for adolescents with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).

We are looking for participants age 11 to 17 who have a diagnosis of FASD.

The intervention will take place over ~12 weeks and will include weekly 1-hour one-to-one intervention sessions focusing on improving self-regulation. The intervention focuses on identifying and talking about different levels of alertness as well as the use of different strategies to improve self-regulation across a variety of environments (home, school, etc.).

There will also be three testing sessions (~2.5 hours each) so we can understand the effect of the intervention. Caregivers will fill out questionnaires about their child’s history and behavior at each testing session.

If you are interested in participating or would like more information, please e-mail or call our FASD Research Lab 780-735-7999 ext. 15631.

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