5 Ways to be a More Patient Parent

Often children will try your patience, as a parent it is important to breath and be able to relax.

5 ways to be more patient parent

Found on:  http://www.babble.com/babble-voices/5-ways-to-be-a-more-patient-parent/

1) Anticipate delays.

Waiting for the kids to get their shoes on, waiting for them to come out after basketball practice…parenthood involves a whole lot of waiting. I’ve found that I can keep from getting too bored and antsy when I anticipate those delays and even come up with ways to keep myself occupied while I wait. For example, keeping your Kindle in your purse or downloading a favorite podcast to your phone means you won’t have to watch the clock drag by while waiting for a dawdling kid to come out of the school building.

2) Build in a buffer.

Some of my most impatient moments are when I feel hurried or worried that we’ll be late. By building in an extra ten minutes of “getting ready” time I can relax a little. (But don’t overdo it! I’ve also found that when the kids think they have all the time in the world to get ready, they dawdle even more than usual. A sense of urgency, but not emergency, seems to keep them on track and on time.)

3) Breathe.

It might seem overly simplistic, but often I can ratchet back that panicky “just hurry up already!” feeling rising in my throat by taking a few extra seconds to breathe. Take a deep breath in to the count of ten, exhale to the count of ten, and see what a difference it can make.

4) Ask yourself, “How important is this?”

Sometimes I find myself getting bend out of shape out of something that really doesn’t matter that much. When I start getting upset because the kids are moving slowly, I sometimes ask myself, “Is this really that big a deal? Is it important enough to be angry over? Is it important enough to yell over?” And most of the time? The answer is “no.”

5) Learn to enjoy the wait.
Sometimes a slow kid can be a blessing in disguise. If your toddler stops every three seconds during your walk to examine a bug on the sidewalk, that’s a great opportunity for you to “stop and smell the roses” yourself. I know it’s easy to get caught up in the go-go-go of the grown-up world, but sometimes there’s a lot to be said for slowing down to kid speed and experiencing the world in an unhurried way.

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