When Quarantine Feels Like Chaos and the Power of The Reset with FASD training Aubrey Page

Are you thriving or surviving right now? Sometimes we just need some perspective on how we can best accommodate our child’s brain. Let’s talk about why quarantine can be hard for our kids, how to implement a routine, and what does and does not matter about distance learning. We’ll also chat about how we can shift our perspective to handle escalating behaviors better in the moment and reduce them in the future.

Presenter: Aubrey Page Aubrey has been a treatment-level foster parent for 3 years and noticed many of her kids had similar symptoms that were not exactly trauma. As one of her children got diagnosed with a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, her eyes were open to the prevalence of this disability. When she requested a trainer come to Cincinnati to spread the word, she found that the need for training and support was expansive. After months of training from world-leaders in the FASD community, she started training and advocating to anyone and everyone who would listen She has trained over 500 people about the most common form of developmental disabilities in America.

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